Morrowind\Data Files\textures
These are added to the folder by Bloodmoon.
Important Notes:
These images are .jpg conversions of .dds files.
Clicking on an image will bring you to a page with the name and details of the texture file. Clicking on the image again will open it separately.
All images are captioned with the name of the texture file (.dds).
The images on this page are in the textures folder, but that folder also contains several subdirectories, listed on Page 1, as well as 17 pages worth of textures from original Morrowind. Tribunal textures are located at this link.
Added by Bloodmoon:
Page 1 (this page): A_bear_boot1 to Tx_bm_rock_02
Page 2: Tx_bm_rock_03 to Tx_w_huntsman_crossbow
Page 3: Tx_w_huntsman_longsword to Werewolfoverlay
- A_bear_boot1
- A_bear_boot2
- A_bear_chest
- A_bear_chest_f
- A_bear_forearm
- A_bear_gauntlet
- A_bear_helm
- A_bear_pauldron
- A_bear_shield
- A_bear_shield2
- A_bear_upperleg
- A_bear2_boot1
- A_bear2_boot2
- A_bear2_chest
- A_bear2_chest_f
- A_bear2_forearm
- A_bear2_gauntlet
- A_bear2_helm
- A_bear2_pauldron
- A_bear2_upperleg
- A_wolf_backtorso
- A_wolf_backtorso_f
- A_wolf_boot1
- A_wolf_boot2
- A_wolf_fronttorso
- A_wolf_fronttorso_f
- A_wolf_groin
- A_wolf_helmet1
- A_wolf_helmet2
- A_wolf_shield
- A_wolf_upperarm1
- A_wolf_upperarm2
- A_wolf_upperleg1
- A_wolf_upperleg2
- A_wolf_wolfhead
- A_wolf2_backtorso
- A_wolf2_backtorso_f
- A_wolf2_boot1
- A_wolf2_boot2
- A_wolf2_fronttorso
- A_wolf2_fronttorso_f
- A_wolf2_groin
- A_wolf2_helmet1
- A_wolf2_helmet2
- A_wolf2_upperarm1
- A_wolf2_upperarm2
- A_wolf2_upperleg1
- A_wolf2_upperleg2
- A_wolf2_wolfhead
- Bm_player_hit_01
- Boarleather
- C_hircine_01
- C_hircine_bear
- C_hircine_spear
- C_nordic01_arm
- C_nordic01_backgroin
- C_nordic01_backtorso
- C_nordic01_backtorso_f
- C_nordic01_frontgroin
- C_nordic01_fronttorso
- C_nordic01_fronttorso_f
- C_nordic01_lowerleg
- C_nordic01_mitten
- C_nordic01_shoe
- C_nordic01_upperleg
- C_nordic02_chest
- C_nordic02_chest_f
- C_nordic02_chestback
- C_nordic02_chestback_f
- C_nordic02_forearm
- C_nordic02_groin
- C_nordic02_leg
- C_nordic02_lowerleg
- C_nordic02_mitten
- C_nordic02_shoe
- C_nordic02_upperarm
- C_nordic02_upperleg
- C_nordicrobe01_arm
- C_nordicrobe01_back_f
- C_nordicrobe01_chest
- C_nordicrobe01_chest_f
- C_nordicrobe01_leftarm
- C_nordicrobe01_skirt
- C_wool01_back
- C_wool01_back_f
- C_wool01_chest
- C_wool01_chest_f
- C_wool01_forearm
- C_wool01_groin
- C_wool01_lowerleg
- C_wool01_mitten
- C_wool01_shoe
- C_wool01_upperarm
- C_wool01_upperleg
- C_wool02_back
- C_wool02_back_f
- C_wool02_chest
- C_wool02_chest_f
- C_wool02_forearm
- C_wool02_groin
- C_wool02_lowerleg
- C_wool02_mitten
- C_wool02_pocket
- C_wool02_shoe
- C_wool02_upperarm
- C_wool02_upperleg
- C_woolrobe01_back
- C_woolrobe01_back_f
- C_woolrobe01_chest
- C_woolrobe01_chest_f
- C_woolrobe01_skirt
- C_woolrobe01_sleeve
- Flameeye
- Horkertusk
- Orb
- Raven01
- Spg_summon
- Spg_summon_glow
- Spg_summon_streak
- Tx_ Hircinewolf
- Tx_ Undeadwolf
- Tx_ Wolf_black
- Tx_ Wolf_bone_black
- Tx_ Wolf_red
- Tx_ Wolf_white
- Tx_a_colovian_helm_w
- Tx_a_ice Minions_sheath
- Tx_a_ice Minions_shield_bk
- Tx_a_ice Minions_shield1
- Tx_a_ice Minions_shield2
- Tx_a_ice Minions_shield2_bk
- Tx_a_ice_boot
- Tx_a_ice_f_curaiss
- Tx_a_ice_f_helmet
- Tx_a_ice_f_pauldron
- Tx_a_ice_gauntlet
- Tx_a_ice_k
- Tx_a_ice_m_curaiss
- Tx_a_ice_shield
- Tx_a_ice_ua
- Tx_a_ice_ul
- Tx_a_nordicmail_f_curaiss
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_boot
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_curaiss
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_gauntlet
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_helmet
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_ua
- Tx_a_nordicmail_m_ul
- Tx_a_nordicmail_pauldron
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_hair06
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_head09
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_head10
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_head11
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_head12
- Tx_b_n_nord_f_head13
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_hair08
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_head09
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_head10
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_head11
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_head12
- Tx_b_n_nord_m_head13
- Tx_bearskin_rug
- Tx_beerstein
- Tx_bm_bark_01
- Tx_bm_bear_01
- Tx_bm_bear_02
- Tx_bm_bear_03
- Tx_bm_bearhunt
- Tx_bm_belladona_01
- Tx_bm_belladona_02
- Tx_bm_belladona_03
- Tx_bm_belladona_04
- Tx_bm_belladona_05
- Tx_bm_belladona_06
- Tx_bm_blizzard_01
- Tx_bm_cobblestone_01
- Tx_bm_deadpine_01
- Tx_bm_dirt_01
- Tx_bm_dirt_snow_01
- Tx_bm_entrancedirt
- Tx_bm_fence_01
- Tx_bm_fence_02
- Tx_bm_grass_01
- Tx_bm_grass_02
- Tx_bm_grass_03
- Tx_bm_grass_dirt_01
- Tx_bm_grass_snow_01
- Tx_bm_grass_snow_02
- Tx_bm_grass_snow_02a
- Tx_bm_grass_snow_03
- Tx_bm_green_bark_01
- Tx_bm_holly_01
- Tx_bm_holly_02
- Tx_bm_holly_03
- Tx_bm_holly_snow_01
- Tx_bm_ic_bark
- Tx_bm_ic_cavedoor_01
- Tx_bm_ic_cavedoor_02
- Tx_bm_ic_peltdoor
- Tx_bm_ice_01
- Tx_bm_ice_02
- Tx_bm_ice_03
- Tx_bm_ice_04
- Tx_bm_ice_05
- Tx_bm_ice_06
- Tx_bm_iceberg
- Tx_bm_icelayer_01
- Tx_bm_iceminion_01
- Tx_bm_iceminion_02
- Tx_bm_karstaag
- Tx_bm_karstaag_02
- Tx_bm_karstaag_03
- Tx_bm_karstaag_door
- Tx_bm_karstaag_firealpha
- Tx_bm_karstaag_fireash
- Tx_bm_karstaag_firespark
- Tx_bm_karstaag_frostytip
- Tx_bm_karstaag_hay
- Tx_bm_lightbeam
- Tx_bm_lightbeam2
- Tx_bm_pine_01a
- Tx_bm_pine_02a
- Tx_bm_pine_03a
- Tx_bm_pine_04a
- Tx_bm_pine_needles_01
- Tx_bm_pine_stages_01
- Tx_bm_rock_01
- Tx_bm_rock_02