File Path:
Morrowind\Data Files\textures
Important Notes:
These images are .jpg conversions of .dds files.
Clicking on an image will bring you to a page with the name and details of the texture file. Clicking on the image again will open it separately.
All images are captioned with the name of the texture file (.dds).
The images on this page are in the textures folder. Morrowind Visual Pack 3.0 RC 1 does not contain any subfolders.
There are 853 textures in the textures folder of Morrowind Visual Pack 3.0 RC 1 including textures for Bloodmoon. I have split Bloodmoon’s textures into their own page for the convenience of being able to easily compare them with their original versions from the BSA.
Morrowind Visual Pack contains a few additional files that have no counterpart in the original game or its expansions; I’m not sure what they’re for as they don’t seem to replace anything, but I’m including them here for completion’s sake. You can find them under Miscellaneous. is most likely meant to replace Morrowind’s original but is named incorrectly. (on the Miscellaneous page) may have been meant to replace even though there is also a included that does actually make this replacement. I don’t know why this is.
Page 1: Basic Morrowind textures from _land_default to Tx_border_adobe_brown_04
Page 2: Basic Morrowind textures from Tx_border_adobe_darkbrown_01 to Tx_hull_int
Page 3: Basic Morrowind textures from Tx_imp_archdoor to Tx_shell10
Page 4 (this page): Basic Morrowind textures from Tx_shell20 to Tx_woodpillar_shadowed
- Tx_shell20
- Tx_shingles_01
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_00
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_01
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_02
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_03
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_04
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_05
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_06
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_07
- Tx_siltstrider_dead_11
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_00
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_01
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_02
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_03
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_04
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_05
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_06
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_07
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_08
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_09
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_11
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_12
- Tx_siltstrider_skin_13
- Tx_siltstrider_stem_00
- Tx_siltstrider_stem_01
- Tx_stone _left_01
- Tx_stone _mid_01
- Tx_stone _right_01
- Tx_stone_bluegrey
- Tx_stone_hlaalu_floor
- Tx_stone_hlaalu_floor_01
- Tx_stone_hlaalu_floorstrip
- Tx_stone_plain_01
- Tx_stoneflower_01
- Tx_stoneflower_02
- Tx_straw_broom
- Tx_straw_woven
- Tx_strong_brick00
- Tx_strong_tile00
- Tx_strong_tile01
- Tx_strongblock00
- Tx_strongblock01
- Tx_strongruin_brick00
- Tx_stucco_10
- Tx_stucco_imp_01
- Tx_stucco_imp_02
- Tx_tapestry00
- Tx_telv_barkroots
- Tx_telv_door_01
- Tx_telv_window01
- Tx_telv_wood01
- Tx_telv_wood02
- Tx_telv_wood03
- Tx_telv_wood04
- Tx_telv_wood05
- Tx_thatch_01
- Tx_tramaroot_01
- Tx_tramaroot_thorn_01
- Tx_turf00
- Tx_urn_01
- Tx_urn_plain_01
- Tx_urn_strip_01
- Tx_urn_top_01
- Tx_v_b_base_01
- Tx_v_b_redoran_01
- Tx_v_base_01
- Tx_v_base_02
- Tx_v_base_04
- Tx_v_base_05
- Tx_v_base_07
- Tx_v_base_08
- Tx_v_base_09
- Tx_v_base_10
- Tx_v_bridgedetail_01
- Tx_v_bridgedetail_02
- Tx_v_bridgedetail_03
- Tx_v_bridgedetail_04
- Tx_v_floor_01
- Tx_v_gg_fence_01
- Tx_v_p_floor_01
- Tx_v_p_floor_02
- Tx_v_strip_01
- Tx_v_strip_02
- Tx_v_strip_03
- Tx_v_strip_04
- Tx_v_strip_05
- Tx_v_strip_06
- Tx_v_water_01
- Tx_velothi_brazier_01
- Tx_velothi_brokenedge_01
- Tx_velothi_door_01
- Tx_velothi_door_02
- Tx_velothi_door_03
- Tx_velothi_doorstrip_01
- Tx_vine_01
- Tx_vivec_tier_base08
- Tx_wall_adobe_brown_01
- Tx_wall_adobe_brown_02
- Tx_wall_brick_imp_01
- Tx_wall_stone_01
- Tx_wall_stone_02
- Tx_wall_stuccostone_01
- Tx_wall_stuccostone_e_02
- Tx_wall_stuccostone_el_01
- Tx_wall_stuccostone_er_01
- Tx_wall_workedstone_01
- Tx_wall_workedstone_washed_01
- Tx_water_enviro00
- Tx_waterfall_01
- Tx_waterfall_02
- Tx_waterfall_mist_01
- Tx_waterfall_sewerspray
- Tx_wg_cobblestones_01
- Tx_wg_dirtroad_01
- Tx_wg_dirtscrub_01
- Tx_wg_mainroad_01
- Tx_wg_road_01
- Tx_wg_rockydirt_01
- Tx_wicker_brown_02
- Tx_wickwheat_01
- Tx_wickwheat_02
- Tx_wickwheat_03
- Tx_wickwheat_04
- Tx_willow_flower_01
- Tx_willow_flower_02
- Tx_willow_flower_03
- Tx_wood
- Tx_wood_barnacle_01
- Tx_wood_barnacle_02
- Tx_wood_base_bevel_01
- Tx_wood_baseboard
- Tx_wood_baseboard_01
- Tx_wood_blackwood
- Tx_wood_brace00
- Tx_wood_brown_block
- Tx_wood_brown_box_01
- Tx_wood_brown_box_02
- Tx_wood_brown_circ_01
- Tx_wood_brown_metal
- Tx_wood_brown_plank_01
- Tx_wood_brown_posts_01
- Tx_wood_brown_posts_02
- Tx_wood_brown_posts_03
- Tx_wood_brown_rings_01
- Tx_wood_brown_shelf
- Tx_wood_brown_shelf_corner
- Tx_wood_brown_shelf_corner_01
- Tx_wood_brown_shield
- Tx_wood_brown_strip
- Tx_wood_brown_table
- Tx_wood_ceilingpanel_01
- Tx_wood_ceilingpanel_02
- Tx_wood_cherry
- Tx_wood_cherry_block
- Tx_wood_cherry_engraving
- Tx_wood_cherry_strip
- Tx_wood_cherry_strip_01
- Tx_wood_cherryfaded
- Tx_wood_cherryplanks
- Tx_wood_coatofarms_01
- Tx_wood_cratepic00
- Tx_wood_dock_rings
- Tx_wood_docks_01
- Tx_wood_door
- Tx_wood_grey_planks_01
- Tx_wood_greyplanks
- Tx_wood_hull01
- Tx_wood_hull09
- Tx_wood_hull10
- Tx_wood_hull11
- Tx_wood_hull12
- Tx_wood_hull13
- Tx_wood_hull14
- Tx_wood_hull15
- Tx_wood_hull16
- Tx_wood_hutch_door_01
- Tx_wood_interior_plain
- Tx_wood_interior_plain_01
- Tx_wood_khaki_01
- Tx_wood_oldwood
- Tx_wood_oldwood_corner
- Tx_wood_oldwood_corner_01
- Tx_wood_oldwood_design
- Tx_wood_oldwood_design_01
- Tx_wood_oldwood_metal
- Tx_wood_oldwood_panel_01
- Tx_wood_oldwood_rings
- Tx_wood_oldwood_scarred
- Tx_wood_oldwood_strip
- Tx_wood_panel
- Tx_wood_rowboat_01
- Tx_wood_rowboat_02
- Tx_wood_shack_door
- Tx_wood_siding
- Tx_wood_siding_01
- Tx_wood_swirlwood
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_chest
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_design
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_leg
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_strip
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_strip_01
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_strip_02
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_trim
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_trim_01
- Tx_wood_swirlwood_trim_02
- Tx_wood_tan_rings_01
- Tx_wood_trim_02
- Tx_wood_trim_04
- Tx_wood_weathered_rings
- Tx_wood_weathered_rings_01
- Tx_wood_weathered00
- Tx_wood_weathered10
- Tx_wood_weathered20
- Tx_wood_wethered
- Tx_wood_wormridden
- Tx_wood_wormridden_rings
- Tx_wood_wornfloor_01
- Tx_woodfloor_brown
- Tx_woodpillar_shadowed